Delivery Policy

  1. Customer must state road conditions when booking delivery.
  2. Customer must clearly fill out the delivery form and include directions.
  3. Customer will then be contacted within 2-3 working days depending on the area, to schedule delivery date.
  4. Customer must present a copy of their invoice when receiving goods for delivery.
  5. Customer must check all goods thoroughly with the driver for the correct quantities or any damages.
  6. The truck must be able to park as close as possible to the delivery point.
  7. The following areas are out of bounds when delivering goods: Inside the house, Upstairs, In basements
  8. Customer must ensure that the size truck booked for delivery has applicable driving space on the road to make the delivery.

17 Old Hope Rd, Kgn 5
(876) 906-0419 | 908-2275-8

68 ½ -70 Constant Spring Road, Kgn 10
(876) 925-5320 | 969-8453-5

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